1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/programming
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/github's-new-text-editor-atom-leaked-but-not-official-yet-/
2/26/2014 7:45:35 AM
GitHub's New Text Editor Atom Leaked But Not Official Yet
Atom, GitHub, vim-mode, ace, code mirror
App Developer Magazine
GitHubs New Text Editor Atom Leaked But Not Official Yet


GitHub's New Text Editor Atom Leaked But Not Official Yet

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Looking for a text editor built on top of web technologies? It appears GitHub's text editor "Atom" has been leaked out and you can give it a trial run now. Here are a few things we've picked up about the new editor (which resembles Sublime).

It looks to use CSS / LESS for highlighting, and CoffeeScript for client-side programming , or the autocompletion.

It doesn't seem to be a fork of either Ace or CodeMirror.

There seems to be Vim shortcuts [1] and even theming.

There are a few plugins already out for it;

- vim-mode
- fuzzy-finder
- emmet (aka Zen Coding)
- solarized-dark-syntax (heh)
- snippets (check)
- language-* (check; so many; awesome)
- timecop (tracking where time is spent in the editor)
- editor-stats (graph your mouse / keyboard activity)

Overall there is great expectation for the "official" release of the editor but no word yet on when that might be..

Read more: https://github.com/atom

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